Backyard Bound One of our amazing counselors will visit your child(ren) and engage in unique, exciting camp activities that only the summer brings. Combining sports instruction and games campers will also learn new cheers, circle games, new lanyard stitches along with other camp activities, all while spending time with one of our phenomenal staff members. Additional activities include scavenger hunts, dance parties, circle games, relay races, etc. Every backyard program is different.
Below is just a sample of a general program. Our curriculums are customized to fit the group (i.e. a very sporty group will prefer a larger focus on sports the entire time rather then mixing in other games or projects)
Sample Backyard Bound Camp 2-Hour Program 9:00 AM – Morning Circle and Camp Cheer 9:15 AM – Fun with Fitness 9:30 AM – Sports Instruction or Games 10:30 AM – Learning Lanyard (More sporty kids can participate in skills competition or alternative games) 10:50 AM - Closing Circle
Our curriculum is designed for the camper that just loves camp. From the whimsical to the obsessed, our campers love to cheer, play and have the time of their lives. They embrace the activities and look forward to camp every day.
Limited of 8 participants per class. Group will be split into groups of 4 and socially distance themselves with in the group.